Dear Tran Kien Quoc
With your leave, I write you because I 've finish my study about Michelin plantations in Vietnam before 1940 and I ask for your permission for including after this study, the translation of Tran Tu Binh memoir.
The book will contain my study (265 pages) and Tran Tu Binh's memoirs (approximately 120 pages). I have to finish few corrections and had photos (replica of a tiger cage photo of Daû-Tiêng hospital( I hope 3 or 4 photos of Michelin plantation in the Plantersannals of 1930.
I worked very hard since one year to write this story. I went to the National Archives in France. I read dozens of books in French and English. I send dozens of mail all around the world for asking help and advices from many researchers. See my bibliography.
I asked the advice of few experts on the history of rubber in Vietnam among researchers French and Anglo-Saxon.
To correct my work, I received help and advices of many specialists, especially Pierre Brocheux, one of the best historians on the history of Vietnam. He wrote, over 30 years ago an article that described for the first time the particularism of Michelin plantations and quoting for the first time in French, memories of Tran Tu Binh.
Another historian, Sebastien Verney, have read my study and write to melast week : “you have found and compiled information for Michelin over whelming, your work is really very addictive to read!”
Beside a policy to reduce at most the cost of living, not exclusively tied at the production, and result at poor conditions of life for the coolies, I show up the visceral anti-communism of the Michelin family as the major element which have driving those to deny the legitimacy vindicate of the coolies, considered systematically handled by the communists. I want to show the particularism of Michelin plantation, particularly in the area of violence.
I'll let you judge the outcome. I hope it will interest you and the history of Vietnam.
Unfortunately, I wasn't allowed to consult the archives of Michelin. I asked permission twice this year. Management does not even answer me! It is this culture of secrecy that motivates me to write this book and publicize this colonial history unknown in France and especially in Clermont-Ferrand. Here, in each family, there are one or more persons working or has worked at Michelin factories. Many refuse to admit that Michelin may have committed such infamousthings in Vietnam... and even today in other country like Nigeria or Brazil.
I unfortunately could not get assistance from Vietnamese researchers. I am disappointed because I hoped they could possibly send me copies of some reports from the archives of Vietnam in Ho Chi Minh City. I am looking in particular several reports in the following folder: Goucoch II A 45/224 (1). This folder contains several important reports on Michelin.
Would you be able to help me to get a copy of these documents? It would bevery important for my study. I send you the list of document which I looking for. Perhaps you know some people who can help me ?
About your conditions for the publication.
1-I send you today a copy of my research. I don't use many citations of your father's book because this memory will be incluse in this book, I hope.
2-We agree to leave you the right of final examination on our French translation of the report before the publication of the book. For the translation, we are going to ask for the opinion of a professional translator in english next week. He will made correction if it's necessary.
3-We agree to let you use our translation of the memoir subsequently outside France without charges/fees for our association.
4-We accept to pay 700 euro for Mr Ha An's family if she accept to let us translate the book in french. For that, we have to know is IBAN number (bank account) and have a proof that they are agree with this publication.
5-You will receive several copies of our book when it will be published (I hope to have understood well that it was for what you ask).
I apologize but I'm a little bit in a hurry because I want to send my manuscript to the editor in 3 weeks (for april, 13th). We wan't to publish the book at the end of May if it's possible.
I hope you can read the study and the translation before april, 13th and I hope you will be still agree.
I hope you could understand my poor english and you are still agree for this publication. If you are still agree, what do we need to do ? Can we sign a contract ?
Thank you very much for your answer
Looking forward to you answer, I ask you to accept before hand my thanks.
Yours faithfully
10bis avenue Pasteur
63400 Chamalières
Nơi lưu giữ những kỉ niệm của ông bà, cha mẹ, tới thế hệ con, cháu... và của từng gia đình nhỏ; Nơi trao đổi tâm tư, tình cảm, gìn giữ nề nếp, gia phong, truyền thống tốt đẹp của cha mẹ, gia đình.
Gia đình năm 1960 ở Hà Nội
Gia đình chụp kỉ niệm ở Hiệu ảnh Quốc tế Bờ Hồ, Hà Nội, năm 1960. (Từ trái qua, hàng trước: Hữu Nghị, Thành Công, Kiến Quốc, Hạnh Phúc. Hàng sau: Kháng Chiến, Cha, Thắng Lợi, Yên Hồng và Mẹ bế Việt Trung).
Thứ Bảy, 24 tháng 3, 2012
Thư Eric, 1 bạn trẻ người Pháp nghiên cứu về thực dân Pháp khai thác cao su ở Đông Dương và sự kiện Phú Riềng Đỏ
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